Monday, August 24, 2009
Status of SSG


Bought GSG (Commodities Index)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sold Silver

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
New Positions

DXD: This is an ETF that shorts the Dow. This looks similar to SSG in the fact it appears to have put in a bottom. The indicator below has also turned up and gave us a buy signal. We bought at $39.40 which is only 3% from our stop level and 13% to our first target. This gives us an excellent risk to reward ratio of 4:1.
QID: This is an ETF that shorts the Nasdaq. We bought at $27.25 with a stop level at $25.80 and first target of $31.50. This gives us a risk to reward of 3:1. Again, if price closes below our stop we will absolutely sell the position.
I expect our first targets to be hit within two weeks time based upon the slope that previous advances have taken. This would be in the neighborhood of 15% return on these positions in that period of time.
May the force be with us!